Garage Door Springs: Risky DIY Project

Replacing garage spring

When a garage door spring breaks, you’ll know it. Hopefully it happens when you’re out of the garage and certainly not as you’re pulling in, but a snapping garage door spring is often extremely loud and all but impossible to ignore. While it’s easy to understand why you might want to tackle this project yourself, you had better hire a professional!

Weight and Counterweights

Garage doors work with a counterweight system, which is what the springs secure. That system is connected to a hinge at the bottom of the door, and the result is an extreme amount of tension that balances out the weight of the door.

Lifting the bottom hinge is like lifting anywhere from 125 to 225 lbs. depending on what size door you have. All of that is under extreme tension, which means one wrong move and you have an enormous amount of weight suddenly moving at very high speed. If you have a design with windows, that glass has the potential to crack or shatter, making it even more dangerous to deal with. It’s not worth the risk.

Only One Spring Broken? It Doesn’t Matter…

Don’t underestimate just how heavy the garage door is, whether it’s off one spring or two. What happens if the second spring snaps while you’re working on it? Above all, you need to watch out for your safety since serious injury is possible. Even a minor injury will shoot your medical bills well beyond what the cost of a professional garage repair service would cost, much less a major one.

The chance of injury is too high and that’s even before considering that you would need to properly balance both springs to make sure the door doesn’t rebound. That’s far too much for most non‑professionals to deal with.

Don’t Rely on a Door Opener

Door openers just weren’t designed to hold all that much weight. If you can’t easily lift and hold the garage door with one hand, then a door opener won’t do you all that much good, either. Trust professionals who have the right equipment to get the job done!

Find a Licensed Professional

Garage door spring repair isn’t a simple job. This is a specialty type of repair work that not only demands experience but also an important level of expertise. You want certified and licensed professionals, like us at Middlesex Door Systems, who are qualified to get the job done quickly and safely. This isn’t the type of headache you want to tackle by yourself, no matter how capable a general handyman you are around the house. Leave this one to the pros.

You can count on our qualified technicians to tackle any garage spring repair or replacement. We have all the parts, equipment, and skills needed to get the job done fast and to do it right. Call us at 1 (800) 696‑1926 for the type of guaranteed work that you deserve!

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